Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Free eBooks for iPad, Kindle, Sony Reader, iPhone and a lot more!

Have you received the free iBook app when you updated your iPhone to the last ios 4, then noticed that there is only one free eBook to read from? Or when you bought your new Amazon Kindle and found out that you're running out of books to read?

Well, here's the catch!

Without charge, completely legal, and with over 100,000 available eBooks to choose from, Project Gutenberg is now offering all eBooks for the PC, iPad, Kindle, Sony Reader, iPhone, Android and other portable devices for free! Because of expired copyrights in the United States, these books became legal to distribute and redistribute!

Well? No time to waste, guys! Lets go get some more of our most loved books!

For a quick link, Project Gutenberg can be accessed at: http://www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Main_Page

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